Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Mid Month Check up

Mid Month Check Up

Hey everyone, how have you been?

Let's be honest... January has been pretty yucky. I had a good week and then after un-decorating from Christmas I tweaked my sore shoulder and that laid me up for a few days. Pain has a way of turning your life upside down. Life with chronic pain means that some days I will not be at my best. Some days I will not want to leave my bed. Some days I just can't.... anything. I have to constantly remind myself that THIS is not my fault. I can't let it stop me from my intention.

Then comes the bad weather... Snowstorms have a way of putting another knock in your armour. It is really a downer when you can't get out and really don't WANT to get out. Depression goes hand in hand with pain, with weather, with winter... and that is where I found myself. I am not sad, I just lost my desire to DO anything. Well, I can't stay there in that dark hole. I have to build my ladder and start climbing out. Are you with me?

So it's the 15th, mid month. Check up. Check in. Readjust. Focus...
Has anyone else felt defeated? I think it is very typical of January to feel this way. We must remember that falling short for a few days doesn't mean your journey ends. You just need to start walking again, fix your eyes on the direction of your path. Let's walk a little further today. It's okay if you feel like you missed a few steps. Let's lace up those boots and take one little step today.

What is it that we need to get those first steps started. Do we need something inspirational? of course!

One little step! That is all it take to begin. Every journey has a beginning. Some of our journeys have multiple stops and multiple beginnings. That's just what I needed.

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