Monday, December 30, 2019

Weekly worksheets

When each week begins we are left with a blank slate. We might have work schedules to keep track of. We might have a list of appointments to keep. We might need to just jot down ideas of things we would like to tackle this week. Don't worry if we don't fulfill our goals each week. We can carry our little goals over onto the following week. The important thing is that we are making small steps on our journey. Some days we might stumble and some days we might even fall a few steps back but it's okay. We are here for each other. We can just try again. One foot in front of the other and take that next little step.
I like to use my "boxes" to track my general pain. I often keep track of my chronic pain disorder symptoms in my boxes. I write "leg pain 4" or "headache 5" or something simple like that. I try and remember to keep track of the weather each day in my boxes. It is fun to draw little sun and clouds in the boxes. I know that it kind of looks childish but it adds a little charm to my journal. Keeping track of the weather is useful for many reasons. It is interesting to see how the weather relates to my pain or mood. You can also use these boxes to track your physical well-being or your mood. It is useful for Seasonal Affective Disorder or general anxiety. I am sure that you can come up with some interesting uses for your boxes.
Next I have the "daily doodle" boxes. I know we aren't all artists but it is okay. you don't have to be an artist to doodle. You can fill your box with any kind of doodle that fits your ability. Don't overthink it. It is a fun and relaxing activity. Just go with it. There are spots for the weekly/daily prompts on the first page. It doesn't matter how talented you are, you can do it :) 


Keeping Track

It is nice to set goals. A great way to keep track of your goals is by using a tracker. I have provided a sample of possible goal trackers but your list can be anything. You can use lined paper to make your own personal goal trackers.
Another thing that is important to track are your habits. I have provided a 1/10 tracker for things that require a rating from 1 to 10. Things that can be tracked on this sheet are moods, pain, physical fitness and other things that can be rated on a scale or need to be repeated multiple times a day.
There is ample space for notes.
I use my tracker to rate my physical pain from 1 to 10. It is a great way to keep track of your pain for when your doctor asks how your last month has been. I see my doctor every three months for my chronic pain disorder and having a physical chart to refer to is very helpful. You can use the note area to keep track of doctors visits, recommendations and medications.
There are no rules to using trackers. you can make them whatever you want. this is just a sample of possible trackers. You can also use apps on your phone to remind you of tracking your goals and habits.


About Me

These sheets are provided to track your personal values and activities. It's time to get real. It's time to share those things that make you who you are. You have many amazing qualities! Don't forget to focus on all your good points. We all have struggles and downfalls but we have the opportunity each and every day to find small ways for personal growth. Use these sheets to show where you are right now and where you hope to go.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Let's take the time to look back at the last year. We all had our ups and downs in 2019. We can use this workbook to document those events and highlight our growth in the last year. We can learn from our past and use it as a tool to improve our journey. We can not change the past but we can change how we react to it today. We can allow ourselves to grow from our experiences whether they are good or bad. Take the time now to carefully reflect on the past year. Brainstorming is a casual thing. Don't be intimidated by the blank space. You can fill it with little words and statements or one long paragraph. This is your journey, it is up to you how you use these spaces.

Let's start this year together
You can download a free calendar to start your personal journey. You can save it. You can Print it. You can put it in a binder and add all your new pages as they are released.


Welcome to the first step in the next stage of your journey, our journey.
Life is not about the destination. We are all on this journey so let's work together to make it an enjoyable ride. We have the opportunity to help each other through the tough spots along the way. A little encouragement can go a long way.

I have created a downloadable book to track your journey. There will be daily motivations and inspirations. We can do this as a team. We can work together to get each other through the tough spots in the road. When things get tough, remember you are not alone. The world is better with you in it. We are all in this together, so grab a seat, buckle in for the first step in our journey together.
The first step in our journey together is getting to know each other... so let's get right to it. I am a mom of teenage twins. My boy is diagnosed on the autism spectrum so you just might see some small references to our struggles with ASD. My daughter is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder so you just might see some references to that as well. I am diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder so you are sure to see reference to that in this blog. But don't be scared... It's not all scary stuff. There are a lot of great moments in our lives and we have learned a lot of useful skills along the way. I am happy to share any of my knowledge with you.
I am also an artist. I have a diploma in visual arts. I currently donate art to a Facebook game called PetsnFriends. I also paint, draw, craft, sew and do many many other things with my art. I also write and have two children's books which are still unpublished. I am also working on another novel. Perhaps, with a little help, my dreams of being published will come to fulfillment in the near future.
This blog will focus on our journey. We can do this together. Join me!
Don't forget to go like my Facebook page where updates will get published.